The movie, "The Truman Show" creates a unique and controversial environment for one man who is unknowingly surrounded by actors in his own controlled world. The creator of the reality Tv show, Christof, has many challenges in keeping Truman content and entertaining in his own little world. Throughout the course of the film, Truman becomes suspicious of his fabricated life and seeks the truth. He wants to escape from his island and see the world. Truman is a real man with real feelings, living in a completely unreal world.
From the day he was born, Truman Burbank’s life has been controlled. His parents, his teachers, his friends, and everyone on the fake island of Seahaven where he lives, are all actors given specific roles to play in his life. Truman himself is the only one with a real personality and real feelings to what is going on in his life. He is sincere in his actions, words, and impulses. He goes to work every day, goes home to his wife, pays bills, and does everything else that a normal man of his age would do. Truman has real fears, too. His fear of water is caused by an experience that he actually felt. All of his actions are done by his own choosing. Some things cannot be controlled.
But none of it is real. It all amounts to nothing in the end. In the real world, Truman’s actions are worth nothing. His job is not helping anyone, his money is not worth anything, and his feelings are not reciprocated by anyone in his life. His family is made up of actors, and every event that happens to him throughout his life is planned by producers to work out a certain way. Ultimately, even though Truman thinks he is in control of his life, he is not at all. Even the weather is not real. Everything in his little world has been placed there. It is all for sale and his life is one giant advertisement that everyone else is in on.
Though Truman doesn’t realize it, his life is not a real one. Sure he lived and he felt and he worked, but it was not real. In the real world, it would all amount to nothing. Truman would have no family, no money, and no house. In his own sheltered life, things were only real to him. Once he realizes this, it is hard to tell how he feels. Even once he escapes the world of The Truman Show, nothing will be as real to him as it would be to a person who grew up in a normal world.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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